Largest Certified Sovereign Climate Bond
The Dutch State Treasury Agency (DTSA) sovereign green bond was the first from a European country to receive Certification under the Climate Bonds Standard when it was originally priced in 2019. Certification was subsequently extended to reopenings including a EUR5bn tap in 2022. A large portion of the proceeds is earmarked to support the government’s Delta Plan that will manage the country’s resilience to increasing sea levels as well as freshwater distribution. The proceeds will also finance and refinance the government’s subsidies for solar energy developments, offshore wind energy developments, the government’s incentives to improve the energy performance in the rental sector, and the government’s investments in its passenger railway network.
"The Dutch State Treasury Agency is honoured to receive the award for “Largest Certified Climate Bond 2022”. The efforts of the Climate Bonds Initiative have been very useful in developing the green bond market and inspiring issuers, amongst which the DSTA, to meet high standards with the issuance of their green bonds.”