Climate Bonds CONNECT 2023 - Global Conference - London Summary


Climate Bonds CONNECT 2023 - London Global Conference brought together hundreds of investors, asset owners, and industry professionals to discuss how the sustainable finance sector can mobilise and facilitate the transition to a green economy. With over 350 in-person attendees and over 1000 people joining remotely from around the world, CONNECT 2023 demonstrated the appetite and enthusiasm for a real global transition.

Doris Honold, Chair of Climate Bonds Board, kicked off the conference with a clear message to the world’s economies — it’s time to transition. 2023 will be the hottest year on record, and the effects of climate change will only increase as we work to bring our emissions down and align our economies with a net zero future. While the world is making progress on this transition, we aren’t yet moving fast enough. That, Doris said, is why we need clear, ambitious transition plans in every country, every industry, and every company. Transition plans will soon be a company’s license to operate and will be the foundation of the global race to net zero.

Read the full blog for this event HERE


Watch the Conference Sessions here






Watch the Climate Bonds Café Live and the Connect 2023 Global Conference: 






See more photos here








"The world needs to capitalise on the opportunity of the global transition. We are living in a century of volatility, Sean said, but with cooperation and collaboration between banks, regulators, investors, and industries, we can make the transition to net zero smooth, fast, and profitable. Above all, Sean said, we need to make it easy to act. Finance needs to be able to flow to the projects that will make credible impacts, and industries need to be moving with speed toward a net zero future."